The decision on the colour should be the best lest you end up regretting. What should guide you while selecting paint colours for your house? There are so many paint colour options, and sometimes you may just get lost while choosing them from the paint store. New and amazing colours keep popping out of the magazines and from the online stores and most of them look just perfect for your space. You must, however, make the right decision. Here are some important things to consider:
The Nature of the Room
You do not have to paint the same colour in all rooms. You could come with your own customized look in some spaces. The dining, kitchen and the living room should rhyme since they are closely built- at least in most homes. Some colours such as white and cream could be used to create an inspiring and an inviting look for such spaces.
You could also combine some colours with the neutral ones such as yellow and orange in some wall or ceiling spaces. Red could be used for small spaces in your house. Furthermore, girly colours such as pink could be used for her bedroom. Most boys would be comfortable if you paint their room with blue or grey.
The colour should always match with the furniture
It is not wise to paint a colour that creates a different theme from that of your furniture. If you do this, your space will look confused and unattractive.
Are you painting the exterior or interior space?
Some colours are best suited for the outdoor space than the interior. The earth colours such as browns and some types of greens will create a natural feeling in the outdoor space than when painted in the interior space.
Well lit rooms are easier to paint since either the warm or cool colours could be used. However, brighter colours should be painted on darker rooms to ensure that an impression of space and brightness is created.
Always choose colours according to your individual tastes. At the end of the day, your home acts as your refuge, and you should do everything possible to ensure that you feel good while there.