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Meaningful Tips on Painting Small Rooms

July 17, 2013
painting small rooms

If your room is small, you can make it look spacious by applying interior design tricks. One of the tricks you can make use of is colour. Some people will rearrange furniture and even include mirrors to make the space appear larger. If you considering the option of painting small rooms, here are some tips you will find helpful.

Make use of light colours. Light tones have the tendency of creating the illusion of roomier area by making the ceiling and the walls appear farther apart than they really are. The good thing about these lighter shades is that they match with a wide range of décor. You could also apply various shades of a single colour which eases the feeling of a small space.

The advantage of using monochromatic shades is that as opposed to mixed and matched contrast colours, they give a consistent visual flow. Another most important tip for painting small rooms is making use of glossy finishes which make smaller spaces appear large. The effect can be enhanced by incorporating artificial and natural colours. If you use glossy finish however, you have to patch up any quality conditions on the walls as this kind of finish has the tendency of showing flaws.

Do not forget to paint the ceiling if you want to visually expand the space. Paint it many shades lighter for it to appear higher and the room to appear bigger. For a greater and better effect, make use of gloss. Choice of colours goes a long way in transforming a room from tiny, dull and dark to a larger room with bright space. Talk to paint experts and get insights into how you can make your small room look spacious by making use of different colour shades. You can never go wrong with the right colour choice.

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